en chroma, libro autobiográfico sobre el color, derek jarman narra la siguiente anécdota:
As a teenager I used to work for the Royal Institute for the Blind on their Christmas appeal for radios, with dear Miss Punch, seventy years old, who used to arrive each morning on her Harley Davidson. She kept us on our toes. Her job as a gardener gave her time to spare in January. Miss Punch Leather Woman was the first out dyke I ever met. Closeted and frightened by my sexuality she was my hope. ‘Climb on, let’s go for a ride.’ She looked like Edith Piaf, a sparrow […]. She bossed all the other old girls who came back year after year for her company.
los hechos referidos acontecieron en 1960. jarman tenía 18 años. cuándo tuvo comienzo la cultura leather?
Ca. 5000 BCE: Creation of rock drawings at Ti-n-Lalan, near Fezzan in Libya, showing an animal headed creature with a gigantic penis, and an animal/man hybrid, having sex.
1951: (or by 53) Shaw's, New York City's first Leather Bar opens.
esta cronología aparece íntegra en http://www.leatherarchives.org/resources/timeline.htm Leather Archives & Museum
1952: Alan Turing, mathematical genius, breaker of Nazi codes, acclaimed as "the man who saved England" reports the theft of his property by a hustler, when the police realize why the thief was there Turing himself is arrested and prosecuted. He is chemically castrated by the authorities and hounded by the press. He commits suicide in 1954.
1954, June: Suicide of Alan Turing in England, after being outed as a homosexual when he reported the theft of some items by a young man he had invited into his home. Turning had been instrumental in breaking Nazi codes during the war, and is considered the father of the computer.
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